Sunday, November 7, 2010

Global warming

1. The earth's climate has undergone changes, both on global and regional scale, particularly in the last few decades. India has also unpredictable weather this year.The winter have lasted longer than usual, untimately rains before cutting of crops and sudden raise of temperature during the day. America & Europe had unpredicedented snowfall.The intencity of cylone has also increased.

2. Global Warming: Its a phenominon in which the temperature of the earth is increasing due to burning of fossile-fuel(coal, oil and gases). The gases produced by burning this fuel are called Greenhouse gases. These are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydroflourocarbons & hexafluride.

3. How it Happens: The sunray comming from sun are very strong. The earth absorbs some heat & rest of its reflected back. This reflected energy is blocked by the greenhouse gases which are hanged by atmosphere.As this energy can not escape, the earth gets heated more.

4. Involvement of UN: The United Nation Contituted an Inter Government Panel on Climate Change in 1988 with two aims: First, to gather information on climate, system & the changes it was undergoing.Second, to study social, economical & environmental impact of climate change.
5. A panel brought out following points in 1992:
   a) Emission of carbondioxide upsets natural flow of energy from sun.
   b) Deforestation increases global warming.
   c) Rise in global temperature between 1.5 to 4 degree by the end of this century.
   d) Rise in sea level.

6. Kyoto Protocol: This historical meeting was held in kyoto(japan) in 1997. It was attented by representative of 180 countries. The protocol commites 38(industrialized) developed countries to cut their emission to Greenhouse Gases by 5.2% at 1990 level between 2008-12.Broadly, Europian Union has to cut by 8%, USA by 7% and Japan by 6%. India & China have been exempted from this obligation due to the development of their economy.However, India has retified the protocol and is taking adequate measures to safeguard the environment.

7. Effect of Global warming:
   a). Faster melting of glaciers, both on the mountains & Arctic. Gangotri Glacier is melting by 17 meters every year. This will reduce water in the river during summers. Drinking water will become scarece.Mealting of glaciers will also raise the sea level which was threten many of the countries. India would also be affected as india's 700 Km coastline would be affected.

   b). Due to intense heat, there would be more frequent rainfall which could result in flash floods.
   c). More rains, would affect the agriculture sector and countries would face food scarcity.
   d). Many diseases like malaria would multiply.
   e). Biodiversity would be effected as many of the rare species would be endangered.

8. What should be done: Countries should not waste more time & start taking action to cut down the emission of Greenhouse gases. They have to look alternatives to fossile fuels for their energy. The technology of the automobile engines, aircrafts emission, working of thermal plants have to be reviewed. All developing countries including india & china have to be included post 2012 when kyoto protocol concludes. USA who has not ratified the protocol, should be encouraged to do the same.

9. Global Dimming: Like Global Warming, Global Dimming is also the outcome of fossil-fuel burning. When fossil-fuel burns, on one hand it emits green house gases in the air & on the other, releases particulate matters, such as soot & ash, in the atmosphere.These change the properties of clouds, As we burn more of fossile fuel, more & more of these matters gather in the atmosphere. Due to this large size of water droplets are formed which reflects the sunlight back. This decreases the power of sunshine, which can be termed as global dimming.

10. International Conference at Bali-Indonesia  As the implimentation stage of the kyoto protocolas was approaching, the world again met at Bali in Dec. 2007 to chalk out the strategy for the future. India & China were under a lot of pressure for reduction of emission by 20%. But, due to handling of the situation  well by the indian side, led by Mr. Kapil Sibal, then the science & Technology Minister, no consensus could be reached.

11. Conference at Copenhagen- Denmark: At the end of this year, a major confernce of the world leaders is scheduled in Copenhagen(Denmark). The developed nation want to specify targets for the countries to check the greenhouse gases.The developing nations are worried that this will effect their growth. The balance has to be maintained to control the emission and not affecting the growth.

12. Conclusion: Climate change is a global problem and needs a global solution. It should be the prime duty of the nation to prevent further deterioration of the situation controlling the emission of Greenhouse gases. Increasing energy efficiency and shifting of renewable source of energy should be priority. We should adjust to climate change like conserving soil & water, constructing sea walls or flood walls. This would help to save coastal settlement and agriculture.

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